Reflection on Amal Totkay

Hamood Ur Rehman
4 min readDec 26, 2020

Developing a Growth-Mindset

People happen to have either of the two types of mindset: fixed mindset and growth mindset. Fixed mindset, is like a stagnant water. Stagnant water is useless, and is problematic to human society. They are to get rid of it, drain it somewhere, or the sun will cause it to evaporate, to soothe them. When growth-mindset shines, fixed mindset drains off. This signifies to work towards developing growth-mindset, to survive in human society, to excel in yours work-domain, to make an everlasting impact… But how come to develop such type of mindset???…. Very simple. We’ve got a nice and compact recipe for you to help you with gaining a growth-mindset: AMAL TOTKAY

Self-Talk: Self-talk to yourself in the language of courage: courage is a language without words. But human’s mind is smart enough to understand that language. When you utter courageous words to yourself, your mind develops an image based on that. And it stays there until someone erases it, through discouraging you, or you yourself surrender in front of circumstances. If you want to get hold with such image for longer, you’ve to keep encouraging yourself.

So self-talk portrays you in front of yourself. If you portray your own-self in nice and compelling shape to yourself, your mind will pick it, and will start loving it which will eventually lead to a growth-mindset.

Stepping out of Comfort Zone: First need to understand what is comfort zone and what’s not. Sometimes you do wonders while be in comfort-zone, and sometimes you can-not make an impact even you be a mile-stepped-out of comfort zone. If you feel and then realize that getting out of comfort-zone can let you make an impact, it’s the time to break the bubble, and step-out of that. Work-hard and an enduring future’s waiting for you!.

To develop a growth-mindset, one has to understand that whether one’s stepping-out of comfort-zone can create an impact. If it does, one has to act promptly for sure, and that’s what a growth-mindset demands.

Create New Habits: We all believe creativity is a blessing. The same applies to habits as well. Successful people are known for their creative habits. Creative habits define a person inside you. You may not want to adopt creative habits just because they are hard to practice, but a person inside you demands. For example, I don’t want to get up early in the morning, an hour before sunrise. But I NEED to do so, and adopt such habit as all successful people in the world have the habit of rising before the sun rise. To develop a growth-mindset, one has to quit those habits that hamper the development process.

Ask People Help: We are dependent on one another. We can’t survive without our company. We seek help in our day to day life. Likewise, we need people who can help us in developing growth-mindset. We may approach them to seek their feedback about us, rectify the flaws in ourselves, and then present a curated picture of us. It’s rather difficult to let someone else pinpoint flaws in you, but that’s what growth-mindset demands.

Fake it Till You Make it: You won’t be liking a new idea that comes into your mind through growth-mindset development marathon, but you are to take it and accept it. You keep accepting it and your brain will keep acting upon it. Eventually, you’ll start realize as if it were yours own idea.

Ihave always found hard-work as the only key and easy-to-have key to success. It doesn’t cost even a penny: what it costs is yours sweat, blood, and tears. When one starts believing in hard-work, it becomes easy for one to quit comfort-zone, do what others can’t, and create an impact. So I myself have realized that getting out of comfort-zone is not easy at all: strong believe in hard-work makes it easy for one to step-out of the comfort-zone.

Though I have been acting upon the Stepping-out of Comfort Zone even before joining this fellowship, I realize that there’s something more to do, in order to grow and compete. I understand I need to have self-confidence to truly translate my hard-work into achieving my goals, and that’s where Self Talk tip will come handy. I also have to be open to adopting creative habits, to help me with strengthen growth-mindset. I realize that getting to work early in the morning is a common trait of successful people in the world, and so I’ve to act upon that. I understand the importance of people in my development of growth-mindset. Through their encouragements and constructive feedback, I can suppress those mistakes that hinder my progress. And finally, I have to convince myself that Amal Totkay are something proven and have changed the live of thousands people.

